Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year Same Bad Ass ME!!!

Lot's of Dog Jogs!
It is 2016 and I am still on this wave of awesomeness following a phenomenal year. You always here the saying "new year, new me." Well I think that is bogus, I want "New Year, Same Bad Ass ME!!" 2015 was the best year I have lived on this earth in all aspects of everything. Crystal and I are in a nice groove since our move to Colorado in 2014. My 30th birthday was amazing getting to spend time with all my family and playing with my nephews up in the Mountains, with a surprise visit from some of my best buds. I started a new job that I absolutely love got to be on the ground floor of opening a brand new facility and learning a ton of stuff about that process. I have my department set up the way I like it and have really tried to make lasting connections with patients and the doctors. My racing season was from another planet and my results shocked me and everyone around me. I have made a massive leap in the last 12 months from average to lethal. My training was out of this world and I kept grinding the improvements were no joke, and my results were beyond any expectations I had. Capping off an incredible year of racing was Kona and I for one still can't believe I qualified and raced the World Championships on my first try. Another game changer that happened in 2015 Crystal and I found out that we are expecting our first baby in April 2016, and we are having a boy. She got pregnant when I was training at an insane volume, so I'm sure this little guy will be wide open just like me.
I hope Crystal can handle two Britton boys that are completely physcho! Good luck!!! To top off this amazing year I was 1/36 chosen out of nearly 1,000 to race on the Wattie Ink Elite Triathlon Team. If there was any Triathlon team in the world that I could race for it would be without a doubt Wattie Ink, there style is so sick and the lifestyle they promote is right up my alley. I am so grateful for the opportunity to Rock the W!!! The year came to a close with yet another milestone, we put an offer on our first home and are now under contract. With our fingers crossed we will be homeowners in Colorado and be able to settle in before the little Britton boy comes into this world.

As I reflect on the greatest year of my life, I honestly could not of asked for anything better, I am married to my best friend, expecting our first baby, have my health, have passion, goals, and support. I am beyond lucky for the life I live and am trying to be better at gratitude towards all things. I have embarked in another lifestyle change and have been transitioning since Kona into a plant based diet and eliminating all animal products. I know some people will think this is insane or stupid but the proof is out there that there is no other healthier diet choice.
Frozen Toes!!!
New Climber!!!
One of my idols is Rich Roll and I can't get enough of his podcast and everything he does. Truly inspiring in the endurance/fitness world and all things positive self improvement. Rich's motto is simple and his purpose is to "unlock your best self!" Who doesn't want to do that, he has started a new YouTube video segment and I highly recommend subscribing to it and see what he is all about. The other day my beautiful wife said something pretty amazing to me and I don't even think she realized it. She said I was the most positive person she has ever met. I took that to heart and try to be positive in all aspects of my life, I am truly blessed to call her mine.

Thanksgiving Day Snow Dog Jog!
Putting my racing year in perspective is truly incredible, I finished on the Podium at every race I entered besides The World Championships.

Colorado Sprint Tri. 3rd (30-34) (Had 2nd but a 2 min penalty dropped me to 3rd)
Boulder 70.3. 3rd (30-34) 4:20:28
Loveland Lake to Lake. 2nd (30-34)
Boulder Ironman. 2nd (30-34) 9:52:15
Ironman World Championships 108th (30-34) 10:23:54

Not Bad for 2015!
Another cool or insignificant thing is that WTC, World Triathlon Corporation does is it ranks you nationally and worldwide depending on what M-dot label races you compete in. I raced in 3 WTC races and got ranked as an AWA All World Athlete Gold status, witch means I am in the top 1% of Ironman athletes. I am not to sure what all this means I think it is a marketing scheme by Ironman and a way to get more money. Oh well sounds cool though!

Some cool and interesting facts about 2105 as far as training and racing:

Swims: 105
Distance 298,490 yards. or 169.6 Miles
Jingle Bell 5K. 18:40
Time: 80 hours 39 mins
Longest: 3 Mile (Carter Lake Crossing)
Rides: 140
Distance: 4,887 Miles
Time: 256 hours 39 mins
Longest: 140.2 Miles
Runs: 140
Distance: 908.2
Time: 124 hours
Longest: 26.2

I'm sure the Triathlon training experts are not impressed but for mortals the numbers are pretty cool. I don't try and win training I like my results do the talking!!!

Snowy 4 Miler!

2016 will be quiet a bit different, I am not doing any Full Ironman races at this time. With a new born on the way, Crystal and I have decided that I take a year off of the super long course stuff and stick to 70.3's and a few Olympic Distance races. My race schedule is about done just need to decide on a late 70.3 somewhere, Austin is on my radar. I really want to qualify for USAT Nationals in Omaha and try and shoot for 70.3 Worlds in 2017. Thanks for reading and Thanks to all my new badass sponsors!!!

Sponsor links:

Triathlon and lifestyle apparel – Wattie Ink
Nutrition for Endurance Athletes – 24 Hour Athlete by Herbalife
Bicycles – Cannondale
Composites/Race Wheels – Knight Composites
Power meters – Pioneer
Bike saddles – ISM
Hydration Systems – Speedfil
Wetsuits – BlueSeventy
Helmets and Sunglasses – Rudy Project NA
Steel Pipe – 101 Pipe and Casing


  1. Matt, You ARE a BAD ASS tri addict & i'm so proud of you! You have a lot on your plate, but you always know what's most important, family & friends! You are the best husband ever to my daughter & I know you're going to be the best Dad ever to my new grandson. As Crystal said, "You are the most positive person!" & you are my inspiration! I'm wishing you the best in 2016 & all the years to come! Sending lots of great wishes & Love... Your Mama-in-Law, Kim :)

  2. Matt, You ARE a BAD ASS tri addict & i'm so proud of you! You have a lot on your plate, but you always know what's most important, family & friends! You are the best husband ever to my daughter & I know you're going to be the best Dad ever to my new grandson. As Crystal said, "You are the most positive person!" & you are my inspiration! I'm wishing you the best in 2016 & all the years to come! Sending lots of great wishes & Love... Your Mama-in-Law, Kim :)
